A woman’s back, tender flash in a posture of solitude and loneliness. A cry for tenderness, a need to be loved, to feel the human touch but also a way to say: back off, go away now.
“Hug me” is part of the “Female project” which started in 2019, a series of paintings aiming to express the contemporary women loneliness, fears, challenges and isolation. The whole series is a combination of photorealistic body parts and pop aesthetic lettering.
The “Female project” series was exhibited in 2019 in a solo show in Athens called “Selfie”
“Hug me” was also exhibited in “Roys Art Fair” in London, in 2019, where it found its place in a private collection in London.
Theme is painted with oil and acrylic colors on stretched canvas.
Inspired by the photography artworks of talented photographer Delphine Millet